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Latest News

07/12/2017:  Youths from US Zen Summer Camp visited the Franciscan Monastery for interfaith dialogues

06/18/2017:  Witnessed by family members, friends, and the Thai Sangha, Bhikkhu Sagaraguno (Haide) was ordained at Wat

06/17/2017:  Ven. Dhammadipa was invited to give a keynote speech during the demarcation ceremony at Wat Pasantidhamma, as

                        well as instructing meditation.

06/01/2017:  Ven. Dr. Dhammadipa was invited to instruct at a meditation workshop at Wat Mongkolratanaram to kick off the 41st

                        General Meeting of the Council of Thai Bhikkhus in USA .

04/06/2017:  Ven. Dhammadipa was interviewed by Nanyang Business Daily in Malaysia (in Chinese)

02/16/2017:  Ven. Dhammadipa was invited to give a brief talk about Theravada Buddhism at Manhattanville College

​01/08/2017:  Ven. Dhammadipa was invited to instruct at a 7-day meditation retreat in Wat Nawamin

07/28/2016:  Ven. Dhammadipa represented the Chinese Buddhism of the DC Metropolitan and participated in the Interfaith

                        birthday prayer for Maha Vajiralongkorn, Crown Prince of Thailand

07/10/2016:  Ven. Dhammadipa was invited by U.S. Zen Institute (Germantown, MD) to take on the duties of its Abbot

01/03/2016:  Ven. Dhammadipa was invited by Wisdom Temple (Billerica, MA) to take on the duties of its Abbot

07/28/2015:  Visit to Santavana Forest Hermitage in Sabah, Malaysia (in Chinese)

02/15/2015:  Lecture "Meditation and Spiritual Development" at Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Seattle (in


06/14/2014:  Leading Four Sublime Abiding Retreat at North Shore Unitarian Church, Deerfield, IL
03/16/2012:  Visit to Dharma Drum Mountain
05/17/2011:  Giving speech "Peace, Harmony, and Coexistence" at United Nation's special event Day of Vesak 2011 (in Chinese)

03/20/2011:  Leading Four Sublime Abiding Retreat at Chue Feng Buddhist Art and Culture Foundation in Taiwan (in Chinese)

04/18/2010:  From a monk's perspective - "Should we cut Tiger some slack?" on ESPN Golf

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Germantown & Boyds, MD  |  |  © 2023 by Middle Way Society  |  Last update 10/27/2023

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